Admin job: A new phase for seniors

In today's society, senior citizens are becoming more and more active and in demand in the labour market. They have a wealth of experience, stability and responsibility, making them ideal candidates for admin jobs. Providing secretarial support, procurement administration and record keeping, and general administrative support to directors within a company are just some of the duties that senior citizens in this field perform. Older people involved in admin jobs not only contribute significantly to the efficiency and professionalism of an organisation, but also continue to be active and useful members of society.

Secretarial and office administration functions

1. Administrative function of the office

  • Making appointments and providing administrative support to the director.
  • Organising and preparing meetings.
  • Compiling reports, submissions, meeting agendas and follow-up.
  • Organising team/unit events.
  • Clerical functions and general support of office activities.

The administrative function of the office plays a key role in ensuring the efficient running of the business. It includes a variety of tasks ranging from managing meetings and providing clerical support to organising events and preparing reports.

Secretarial and office management functions are invaluable in ensuring the smooth running of business processes. Among their duties are scheduling appointments and providing clerical/administrative support to the company director and/or directors. This includes not only scheduling meetings but also coordinating them, liaising with internal and external parties to agree on time and location, and ensuring that the necessary resources and facilities are available for the meeting.

Organising and preparing meetings is another important aspect of the admin job for senior citizens. This includes not only selecting suitable premises and organising catering, but also drafting detailed meeting agendas and following up on meeting reports and submissions. This requires not only good organisational ability but also the ability to work to strict deadlines.

Organising team/unit events is also the responsibility of administrative staff. This may involve planning and coordinating corporate events, training, seminars or other activities for company employees. This requires careful organisation, the ability to work with a variety of suppliers and contractors, and the ability to make quick decisions in non-standard situations.

Clerical functions and general support of office activities also play an important role in office efficiency. This includes tasks such as handling incoming correspondence, keeping the office in order, managing office equipment and supplies, and ensuring the general comfort of employees.

2. Records management

  • Providing support to records managers in maintaining records.
  • Support Records Managers in receiving documents, archiving them, maintaining inventory and disposing of them.
  • Supporting Records Managers in ensuring that records are properly entered into the electronic register.
  • Managing records stored off-site.

An important part of an older persons admin job is records management, which is key to ensuring the effective running of the business. Records managers in a company carry out a number of tasks to ensure that all necessary documents are kept safe and accessible.

One of the main responsibilities of administrative staff is to support records managers in compiling paper and digital documents for assessment. This includes collecting and organising the necessary materials and filing them according to established standards.

The administrative staff also supports the records managers in the company in receiving documents, archiving them, maintaining inventory and disposing of them. This is an important part of the process of securing records and making them available for future reference.

Supporting records managers in ensuring that records are properly entered into the electronic register is also an important aspect of the admin job. This includes entering all necessary data into the records system and ensuring that it is up to date and accurate.

The management of records stored off-site also requires attention and professionalism. Administrative staff are responsible for sending and receiving documents, updating the database and other aspects of records management, ensuring that they are safeguarded and available when required.

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3. Procurement administration

  • Identifies information and documentation required for procurement.
  • Monitors and tracks contract publications/awards/options/options.
  • Conducts user testing to ensure Workday system acceptability and corrects any errors.
  • Matches bids resulting from the publication of proposals/tenders for goods and services.
  • Performs end-to-end procurement process in accordance with procurement policies and procedures.
  • Executes procurement transactions.
  • Performs acceptance of goods and services to ensure proper procurement of goods and services and facilitates payment of DA contracts.
  • Uploads electronic invoices and sends to appropriate staff.

Procurement administration plays a key role in ensuring the efficient running of the business by ensuring that the necessary goods and services are available at all times. Procurement administration staff carry out a number of important tasks to ensure that procurement processes are carried out correctly.

One of the main responsibilities of procurement administrators is to identify the information and documentation required for procurement. They advise departments on the availability of procurement contracts and use the appropriate templates in the government's e-business system to make purchases for certain amounts.

Procurement administrators are also responsible for monitoring and tracking publications, awards, contracts and other options, as well as conducting user testing to ensure system acceptance and correcting any errors.

Implementing the end-to-end procurement process involves approving requirements, issuing purchase orders and awarding contracts for goods and services needed for the company's operations. This is an important part of the job that requires accuracy and attention to detail.

Purchasing operations such as issuing purchase orders, issuing sales receipts and receiving goods and services are also important aspects of the work of purchasing administrators. They ensure that goods and services are properly procured and facilitate the payment of contracts.

Bottom line

In today's society, the role of senior citizens in the labour market is becoming increasingly important. Their wealth of experience, stability and responsibility make them sought-after candidates for various areas of employment, including admin jobs. Providing secretarial support, procurement administration, and record keeping are just some of the tasks senior citizens perform in this field.

Their participation in admin jobs not only contributes to the efficiency and professionalism of the organisation, but also demonstrates the activity and usefulness of seniors in society. They continue to be valuable members of the team, contributing to the achievement of common goals and maintaining a high standard of work in the organisation.

Thus, admin jobs for senior citizens not only represent an opportunity for them to remain active and productive after retirement, but also a way for them to demonstrate their experience, knowledge and skills while continuing to make important contributions to society and business.


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