nvesting for Beginners: First Steps and Common Mistakes

Investing is the investment of one's own or borrowed funds for the purpose of making a profit. You can invest in securities and other financial instruments, real estate, industry, etc. Income from investments can be formed in a variety of ways, depending on the strategy chosen.

Investment Methods

Investment methods vary. Traditionally, they can be divided into two directions: through an intermediary who manages the capital, or independently. Which method is better to choose depends on the initial investment amount, investment goals, and time spent on the process.

What is a Diversified Portfolio?

Investors must realize that investing always involves risk. No matter which assets you choose, there is always the risk of losing at least a portion of your funds. To reduce the likelihood of such losses, it is advisable to diversify your funds into a variety of assets so that if one of them goes wrong, the others will be safe and protect your savings. This is called risk diversification.

Investment Options for Beginners

There are many different types of investment products. There are three main types: high risk, medium risk, and relatively risk-free.

All investments involve risk, which is the nature of investment," he said. For example, government bonds are considered the least risky instruments. Investing in stocks, i.e., the capital of a company, is high-risk.

Mistakes of Beginning Investors

Let's avoid the typical mistakes that most novice investors make:

  1. Do not neglect your education. You can learn a lot about the market and your options, even from free master classes and courses.

  2. Do not invest funds you need to live on. For passive income, funds that you will not need for several years are suitable. Before investing funds in investments, ensure a "safety cushion" of three to six months over average income," financial professionals advise.

  3. Do not use financial instruments if you do not understand how they work, how their prices are structured, and why their yields vary.

  4. Do not put everything in "one basket." Diversification is necessary to reduce risk

  5. Do not hold on to securities that are falling. Always decide on a point in time to sell assets that did not fulfill your wishes. This is called the potential loss amount. For example, it can be set at 15%.

  6. Do not fall for big promises. Be wary of firms that guarantee returns well above the market.

  7. Do not hesitate to check out partners, brokers, and companies you are about to invest in.

  8. Do not let emotions rule.


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